Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Amazing class!!!


I would like to thank you for everything.

It is amazing that my name is Number one on Google for my website and my Blog is number one as well. It was a great learning experience in this class. I was not into the internet research thing and the web in general; today it is easy for me to find information and related data to my topic. I also liked the way how you organized the class with a large amount of learning during the class time.

It is a pleasure to be in your class

Thanks for the pizza and for every thing


Lovely class

This has been a great class, I learned a tremendous amount. I will be practicing my surfing so that I can continue to find cool web sites and in turn be really cool myself. I am only partially blogging to get a good grade. But rather to make sure that when we all have classes together we can help each other with new sites and information. I will continue to bug Sandeep about sites.

Sandeep thank you for the class and the pizza.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My blog is back on google!

That pizza was the bomb, thanks Professor Krishnamurthy. I'm happy to say my blog is back on google again. Type in UW bothell blog, and you'll see it there...#1 baby! If anyone else wants to join please let me know; here is a funny excerpt.

My post:
Some interesting statistics on UW Bothell vs UW Washington, courtesy of
With 55% women, UW Bothell is clearly the winner!
UW Bothell vs (UW Seattle)
Total Students Full-Time: 1,620 (39,246)
Undergrads: 833 (23,552)Percent Accepted: 69% (68%)
Percent Women: 55% (51%)
Resident Tuition Fees: $5,157 ($5,286)
Non-Res. Tuition & Fees: $17,787 ($17,916)

To which my girlfriend commented, "what is the advantage of having more women than men?"

But have no fear, I wasn't busted yet. I replied, "This is very important because according to, "Study after study shows that girls with more education not only have fewer and healthier babies, but enjoy better health themselves." Therefore, by having a higher proportion of women to men than the Seattle campus, UW Bothell is clearly doing more to combat serious problems, such as childhood obesity and overpopulation. "

So money!

Yeah, so I was a little confused after my presentation today and now I know why! I realized on the way home I was missing two of my slides. I had already uploaded the file to my website and ended up adding two more pages, but I forgot to delete the file and upload it again. *smack*

Ironically, after class today I was online and one of my friends IM'd me and asked me if I knew what furl was, needless to say I did! I hope people keep blogging on this site. I've learned about a lot of valuable resources on the internet and it would be wonderful if people still wrote on here about any great sites or services that they come across. I'll get the ball,, One is educational and the other two are fun ways to spend countless hours online! Well I need to get going, study time. Talk to you all soon. Invite me to your blog if you're gonna stay active on it: mkahn81 at gmail dot com.

It was so fun having class with you all! Enjoy the rest of your Summer!



I will have pizza coming in at 3. If you are reading this, plan accordingly.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mypsace is #1

For those of you who don't remember, I chose Myspace for the project in class last Tuesday. I was on Motley Fool (One of my favorite finance sites) and I came across a very interesting article.

"According to the data from tracking firm Hitwise, was the No. 1 most visited website for the week ended July 8, with 4.46% of all Web visits in the U.S., knocking Yahoo! Mail from the top spot. Yahoo! took exception to the rankings' comparison of all of MySpace with the Yahoo! Mail site, given that Yahoo! comprises a network of many different sites and services. I tend to agree, but the data is still interesting to contemplate, taken with a grain of salt."

See the full article:

Battle for hosted app market

We've all seen some of the evidence for the move towards hosting applications online with Google's online spreadsheet program. The concept is simple of course; why should we bother going to the trouble of installing programs on our computers when we could just type in a URL, log in and the program opens??

Google has made it's move offering the online spreadsheet in an effort to compete with Excel, but there are many companies providing various (some quite complex) programs using the same concept. Microsoft, not wanting to be left out of what it views as the next big thing, has unveiled online versions of it's Windows and Office applications. Microsoft likes to refer to its online applications as "Live Software." In my opinion, Microsoft has a long way to go before this live software is anywhere close to being as useful as its standard Office applications, but I guess they want to get their foot in the door before other companies grab the market. You can read a little more about it here.

Once really nice example of online software done right is the CRM software offered by This company provides a CRM software that is entirely available online to paying customers. The benefit to companies who choose this software is that they dont have to invest as much in server hardware to host the application in-house or the associated IT costs.

In the near future you won't be going down to the store, buying some software and installing it on your computer. All you'll have to do is subscribe to the program online and begin using it right away.

Mark Cuban is a Toolbox

It's amazing that a guy who still hasn't figured out the proper intricacies of a topic as mundane as the contracted form of "it is" can still manage to have such a high opinion of himself.

But enough about me. We're talking about Mark Cuban.

Most of Cuban's ranting falls into the category of "Everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it." Nothing "unique" has happened on the net in "forever?" You're right, Cuban. This whole Internet thang is sad and tired. I give it six months before you can buy AOL for the change you find in your couch.

Further, Mark stretches the truth just a bit in talking about how net speeds haven't increased in TEN YEARS (emphasis his). I remember trying to get DSL just seven years ago (that's 1999, Cuban. I wouldn't want your head to explode from an attempt at complex subtraction). Even living in Microsoft's backyard, I couldn't get DSL until '99 and even then it wasn't at the speed it's available at today. Ten years ago puts us squarely back in the days of 56Flex, with that blistering ISDN you dismissed as ancient just becoming available for the priveleged few.

Markie further "complains" about not being able to buy a PC that has problems running "any" application. Leaving aside the obvious interpretation that Mark must not be a PC gamer (can't fault him there), it's obvious he hasn't been paying attention to the OS overhead that Windows Vista is going to be bringing us as part of those "innovations" that Mark says he wants.

Cube then even answers his own earlier question but doesn't bother to notice. If it's now becoming as cheap and easy for you and me and a dog named Boo to create and publish captivating, professional sites (in theory anyway, I'm still holding on to my hack cred), then what would be the incentive for ISPs to provide greater speeds if their own share of the audience is being constantly eroded by this plethora of new sites anyway? And how do all these sites manage to stick around and pay their hosting charges if the net is becoming so "boring?"

I don't think the net is "boring." I just think it's beyond Cuban to keep up with it.

Page Rank!

So google has updated my site, but it has not increased my pagerank. I am still below Na*te Da*wgz page which is a complete insult to myself. Sandeep said he would share his pagerank power with me to increase the ranking of my site. Hopefully this works out, I dont want to have to go back to hijacking wikipedia pages just to increase my pagerank (not that I have).

Sandeep said he gave me the power of his site. The next update will be my last chance to top the charts so I am waiting nervously. I must beat N*AT*E DA*WG*Z. I shouldn't even mention his name, it probably is improving his pagerank. I have changed my post name to Nathan MacDonald so it will search higher. I even linked myself from a couple blogs. This is what the quarter has come down too, will i be a WINNER or LOSER?

My life depends on this..

Nathan MacDonald

The Summer retreat for entrepreneurship and career building

Does everyone know about the UWB retreat coming up? It is July 28-31, only a ferry ride away, and is being offered for the bargain price of $30/night. This will be a great place to meet other students, and alums, as well as get feedback on business ideas. Most of all, it should be a really great time. For more information e-mail Professor Alan Leong at (aleong at gmail dot com). Big ups to Professor Krishnamurthy for teaching me how to avoid the spam crawlers :-)


Mr. Blogmaverick seems like a really boring human being. Its as if he has nothing else to do except whine about the only subject he knows anything about - computers and related ideas. Its fantastic how someone with a minimal amount of logic can rant and rave himself into stardom. Why do people care what he says? Blogging is a way of making ridiculous claims without backing them up. Did he site anything? No that would have actually taking some work to make his arguement legitimate. Instead he whines online, people believe it because he uses numbers, and BAM, hes a celebrity. Get rid of these lazy computer nerds or business owners that take hearsay and turn it into fact. Get rid of these people that cannot do an ounce of real research on their own and articulate an intelligent idea. This guy got lucky, made some money, and somehow thinks that makes him matter. Learn to research and prove a point instead of taking the easy way out by complaining about everything.



Furl is a program that allows you to take your bookmarks with you. It then allows you to save them privately or publically as well as rank them 1-5. You can then search your bookmarks on a certain subject either publically or locally and it will organize relevance from 1-5. This is great for school research, too bad im graduating suckers!

The key to using Furl is that you need a button in your browser that you can click to save the item you are viewing. Thanks to technology called "bookmarklets" you don't need to install any software to do this. If you haven't yet put the button in your browser, read the button help page for all the details.
Once you have the button, continue to use the Internet as you normally would and whenever you find something of interest, click the "Furl It" button to add the page to your archive. You'll have the option to add comments, categorize and date the item before you click "Save."

I sabotaged my blog!

I think Google might have banned my blog! I had become master (the #1 return) of one of my search terms "UW Bothell Blog", but now I am not even listed at all. In an effort to increase my page rank, I had made three dummy sites from free webhosting services that contained links to my blog. I was doing some research with Google (go figure) about how the page rank system works and I found out that they will ban sites if they think people are making pages just to increase their page rank. OOPS! Anyways, I've been trying to get more people to traffic my blog and post on it. I haven't had very much luck, although one of my professors was kind enough to set up a link to my blog from his personal page. I've decided to make another blog, one that will have a greater number of possible visitors. I figure that only so many people are interested in UW Bothell, so my new blog will be something that people from all over might be interested in. My ideas so far are the Middle East conflict and drink recipes. Maybe I'll combine the two, because who doesn't want a few cocktails after reading about how messed up things are in the Middle East? Another blog idea I have is a financial blog, it would primarily focus on the stock market and stocks that I think will perform well in the near future. My original idea was a stock blog, but there are so many competitors out there for search optimization. Although now that Google appears to have banned my other blog from their search results, what have I got to lose?

I was looking around the internet last night for information about what the hot trends are in the internet. I came across the page which lists the “ten hottest internet trends for 2005”. Although we’re half way through 2006, I found the page very interesting. Here are the trends that they listed:


I also found a cnet article that seems a little dated, it lists the top ten internet fads. Blogger is on there at number nine! They were pretty funny, I recognized 8 of the 10 fads. How many do you remember? All your base are belong to us! hahaha

Look, up in the sky! It's a cloud! It's rain! It's summer in Seattle!

You know, I have to just come right out and thank Sandeep for saving my life. If I was actually unfettered by class and out on the streets trying to actually make something of this drizzly, dreary excuse for a summer, I'd probably be jumping off an overpass about now.

Sandeep Krishnamurthy. Scholar. Humanitarian. Blogspot user.

Our class yesterday

iTunes vs. Limewire

That was the title of my final choice for todays class. After much persecution and prejudice I was finally allowed this as a topic.My first choices were myspace (was ignored) -> Donald Trump (Not allowed) -> Britney Spears (right after someone took martha stewart, still wasnt allowed) -> iTunes.Then 90% into my iTunes powerpoint I was verbally assaulted that Limewire wasn't even a competitor of iTunes.After surpassing all of these barriers in my way to success I achieved my goal and factually reported on the status of iTunes and Limewire as competitors.I would thank to de-thank Dennis and Professor K. for trying to crush my hopes and dreams!I love bloggin.

Nate MacDonald

*EDIT* *UPDATE* I was just accused of not doing any actual research and relying on other peoples information. Isn't that was research is? Compiling experts first hand information into a cohesive arguement. It definately is at the BA level thats for sure.

Summer 2006, my experiences!

A summary of my experience Summer 2006 at UWB
Summer 2006 UWB has been a intense summer for me so far. As most of you already know I am currently taking 15 credits in what is essentially 4.5 weeks. This is 3 classes, twice a week, for four and half hours each. While far from ideal, I wanted to graduate as soon as possible and this was the only way to do it. Following is a summary of my classes and my experiences.

Consumer Marketing:

This class is very interesting and should be a core requirement of some sort. While the assignments were not really attached to the in-class lectures, I still attended because it was interesting. Overall, this was a great class with only a recommendation to have the assignments mirror the lectures.

Search and the World Wide Web 2006:

This class is exactly what a summer class should be like. I’ve learned more about searching, web sites, and just the web in general then I should ever need to know. At the same time I had fun and was interested the entire class time. With minimal homework, but maximum knowledge gained, this class has the summer quarter technique fine tuned to perfection!

Great Books in Business:

While unnecessarily ambiguous at first this class has turned out to be my most important management class. Through actual researching (requiring me to actually look at real life books) I have learned a plethora of knowledge on management. The discussions in class were invaluable as well as the teamwork. Fantastic class, my only recommendation: less ambiguity!

Nathan MacDonald

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Hello Everyone

As our days are being numbered in this class we must all look back on what we have learned.

Here is my summary:

Advanced google searching
The difference between the web and groups
Creating a webpage
Creating a blog
Using pagerank to improve your pages rank
Learning about googles competition
Using analysis tools to come to conclusions and consult a company on better pratices!

Thats it for now!


iTunes vs. Limewire

That was the title of my final choice for todays class. After much persecution and prejudice I was finally allowed this as a topic.

My first choices were myspace (was ignored) -> Donald Trump (Not allowed) -> Britney Spears (right after someone took martha stewart, still wasnt allowed) -> iTunes.

Then 90% into my iTunes powerpoint I was verbally assaulted that Limewire wasn't even a competitor of iTunes.

After surpassing all of these barriers in my way to success I achieved my goal and factually reported on the status of iTunes and Limewire as competitors.

I would thank to de-thank Dennis and Professor K. for trying to crush my hopes and dreams!

I love bloggin,

Nate MacDonald

*EDIT* *UPDATE* I was just accused of not doing any actual research and relying on other peoples information. Isn't that was research is? Compiling experts first hand information into a cohesive arguement. It definately is at the BA level thats for sure.

All about blogging.......

What is a blog? A Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal (or newsletter) that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent products, personalities or information’s about a certain web site or a service, Bloging about a product or city will benefit the general public including students and visitors. I am blogging about Life in Kirkland and I did found some material related to the benefits practice area, If you do love this city or you are curious, you should come visit my blog. Here is a link to my blog: Money wise is another benefit side about blogs and blogging. It is amazing how you can make money from having adds on your account. This is totally new information to me, I am really enjoying this class (it is a wonderful learning experience). If you got a chance, do not hesitate to come visit my blog.


Monday, July 10, 2006

One red paper clip guy.

This is getting a lot of attention lately-

Sunday, July 09, 2006

All about the net

Check out the site for a complete history in the internet; it is a really interesting site. Believe it or not Al Gore's name does appear in there briefly :-). It has the origins of the internet dating all the way back to the 60's, as well as some of the challenges faced during its creation. I was playing online earlier when I had some time to kill and I found this funny bot site: click on the left site "chat with alice" and you will talk to a bot. Each session is unique, so it can remember things like your name. It's pretty amazing how many responses the bot has, I believe the code is open source, so anyone can contribute to it. Please check out my UWB blog (University of Washington Bothell Blog)UW Bothell University of Washington Bothell Blog UWB Blog

e-mail me @ to join the blog, also invite me to your blog, I'd love to participate

Saturday, July 08, 2006

My Blog

Hey everyone, check out my UW Bothell blog at e-mail me at if you want to be added and I will send you an invitation. Adsense rocks, I've already made $0.78! I got 18 cents from the first click and 60 cents from the I just need to get more traffic to my blog. Btw, my blog is about anything having to do with UWB...if you want to advertise for an event or club, tell a story, ask a question to fellow students or faculty members, or just give props, suggestions, or rants about the school please come by and do so. Today at work I was talking with my friend/co-worker about how much the internet has changed our lives; imagine what life would be like without e-mail, no Myspace, no blogs, no blackboard, no Google or Wikipedia, no instant news or's crazy to think about how much convenience has been added to our lives by this invention. One of my favorite things to do online is research dream is to one day run my own mutual or hedge fund. I read an article the other day about how the US is lagging behind other industrialized nations when it comes to broadband internet access for households. I think this is very bad and will greatly impact the economy in the future. Think about how much information is provided and how much time is saved by having broadband; broadband access is also far more expensive here than in most other industrialized countries. I HATE about a monopoly.

Check out for a list of the best sites on the internet. At that site there is also a link that shows the 21 criteria that were used in picking the sites. Some of the sites included on the list are yahoo (#1) and google (#2) what a shock. Google groups and Google news made the list at #'s six and seven. is one of my favorite sites and it is on there too. It stands for internet movie database, at that site you can type in a movie, actor, director, etc...and it will give tons of info about whatever you type. If you type in a movie it will give the entire cast, then you can click on a cast member and it will show all the movies/shows they have been in, even ones that are still in production. is another fun movie site, it is mostly editing mistakes from movies, it's amazing to see what people find there.

I hope everyone is having fun with their blogs, I know I am. Please send me an invite and I will come post on your blog! (

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The State of Blogging

I found an interesting study on Blogs during 2004:

Highlights of it include:

- 7% of US adults or 8 million people say they created a blog
- 27% of US internet users read blogs (up 58%)
- 32 million people read blogs in the US
- 12% of US internet users have posted comments on blogs
- 38% of US internet users know what a blog is - I thought it would be higher!

Other interesting facts about Bloggers:

- 57% are male
- 48% are under age 30
- 70% have broadband at home
- 82% have been online for six years or more
- 42% live in households earning over $50,000
- 39% have college or graduate degrees

The report is 4 pages, and fairly interesting. Check it out.

Globe of Blogs

I found an interesting website:

The site lets bloggers submit their blog to their list of blogs from around the world. People can come to the site and search all the blogs included in the list, or browse them by title, topic, or location, name of author or birthday of author.

Anyone can submit a blog to the list. I submitted mine... lets see if their link to it helps my pagerank.

The Power of The Blog

Before starting this class I never realized the potential of the blog. I always thought it was for emo kids that complained about life to no one but their two friends. I just assumed it was people who wanted to say something that no one was willing to listen to. In actuality, blogs are a massive part of the information on the web today. Blogs have evolved so everyone who is anyone has one. Radio stations get a lot of their up-to-date information on band blogs, as well as race car drivers, singers, actors, and anyone with a fanbase. Which makes me want to conclude this with a link to my own personal site:
I just found this site to help me get on google

"1. Submit Direct To Google
The first method is to submit your web site via Google's free submit your site form. Just submit your home page and Google's crawler, Googlebot, will crawl the rest.
However, Google do not add all submitted URLs to their index, and there is no guarantee as to when, or if, your site will be indexed.
2. Get Linked From A Site That Google Crawls
The second method is to get a site that Google already crawls to link to your site. So when Google recrawls the web site, it will find the link to your site and crawl and index it as well.
This is Google's preferred method of finding sites to index.
To get another site to link to yours, simply look for a site that links to your competitors and ask them to link to yours. You may have to offer a link back to their site in exchange.
You may like to read my link popularity article, "How To Quickly Improve Your Link Popularity." In this article I show you how to find link exchange partners.
3. Submit Your Site To The Yahoo! Directory & The Open Directory Project Index
The third method is to submit your web site to the Yahoo! Directory and/or Open Directory Project index, which is owned by Netscape.
As far as I know, this is the only guaranteed method of getting into the Google index.
Google has agreements with Yahoo! and Netscape to include the sites indexed in their directories in the Google index. So submit your site to either, or both (recommended), of these directories.
For more information, visit Yahoo!'s How to Suggest Your Site page and the Open Directory Project's How to add a site to the Open Directory page.
Once your site is included in either of these directories, it will appear in the Google index in about 4 to 8 weeks.
So now you have no excuse for not getting indexed by Google. ;o)"

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Search and the World Wide Web

I am still number 1 on google!! Pretty happy thing. But I don't see my blog at all. I must work on that and make it interesting so that I can take over the world. Just kidding, maybe. Speaking of which if you google "take over the world" you get a Pinky and the Brain site.


Google has many features that I never thought it does. Creating your own Google is just amazing. We can create our own page including every thing we want and customizing it the way we want it. It is interesting how also we can structure our own Google page. It was a great learning experience from what we covered in class so far; having each student analyzing and researching one of the Google s features and presenting in it to the class had made a lot of sense. Also it gave us an idea about their competitors and how much traffic they get. I personally did and I found a lot of competitors and much information about it. I learned more about this feature. The functions “Similar pages” and “Catched” were also helpful and I had never used them before. Today, it is an easy process in the web research. I am really enjoying this class; it really simplifies the internet research and makes it easier to me on research in less time consuming to find the information.


Reflecting on Last Week

Amazing really, that you can create your own google search engine. We could have called it anything we wanted for that matter although im not sure the legality of that. It is unbelievable that you have that much power in your hands so easily. You can search the entire web with your own personal web searcher. I thought that was pretty ridiculous. Simplicity is really all I look for in a search engine so as long as google stays basic like it is, then I dont have any use for my own. But soon as they start throwing ads up there then im going to use my own version.

I can't wait to start expanding my super cool blog about myself. My goal is to beat out Dr. Nathan MacDonald for the #1 spot on google. We'll see how it goes, quite surprising how many people with my name are out there. Some canadian hippy folk singer is taking #2 so I had better definately beat him out.

Anyways, I have 15 credits this quarter and a sick amount of work to do in the next 2 weeks. This class really has been the most enjoyable and informative class I have. I wish more teachers would take this practical aspect in more classes. Especially summer classes when the goal of most students is just to learn something useful instead of cranking through books on sunny days.

Thats about it for now,


One more real estate site.

very interesting.

One more real estate site.

very interesting.

Monday, July 03, 2006

New Blog

It is interesting how simple you can make your own blog. I thouhgt that it is more complicated that what it is now (it is very simple). Great... we are all learning. Here is my blog : Stop by and leave some comments. Thanks


All about google!

I just found a new super cool Google feature; it's called zeitgeist. It gives the most popular google searches for the last week. You can also look at archives for any month since 2001, or yearly archives as well. It even gives year-end top 10’s for categories, such as women, men, movies, tv shows, new products, music groups, retailers, news sources, etc... I looked up zeitgeist because I had no idea what it was. Apparently it is a noun, “The spirit of the time; the taste and outlook characteristic of a period or generation.” Anyways, I would highly recommend playing around with this feature, it’s pretty interesting to see what people were googling in the last few years. Example, in 2001 Nostradamus and Osama Bin Laden were the top two men to be googled.

Also, I found a really excellent resource that goes along with what we’ve been learning about Google. The address is
It gives all sorts of commands to use in the Google search. For example, did you know that Google does math? Type 49/7 or some other arithmetic problem in the bar and click search, the first result will be your answer. One more really interesting site that I found this week is It has news and other noteworthy features about what else, search engines! I found a good article about yahoo renewing a contract with Google to use some of their search results. It made me wonder why Yahoo can’t get the same results on their own. If anyone is interested, the article is available at
The two companies seem to use different methods to get their results…“In a unique twist, Yahoo didn't simply renew the deal for Google to be its "backup" partner, used only when Yahoo itself doesn't have an answer. Instead, the company has embraced Google's results even more tightly. Unveiled to the general public today is a new Yahoo search results page, where there is no longer a separation between Yahoo's own human-powered listings and Google's crawler-based results. Instead, the two are blended together.”
Speaking of Yahoo, I showed a few of my friends my “Google My Way” page. They all liked it more than the current version of Google. I told them it was an attempt to take the best of Google and Yahoo and combine it and they thought it was a great idea. Two of the four friends were Yahoo users and they said they went to Yahoo because they like being able to glance over the latest news and easily find stories of interest. I think it would be good for Google if they made it easier for people to customize their own Google pages. Like Gmail, I don’t think they are doing a very good job of publicizing a service that a lot more people would be interested in.
Note on googlebombing: one of my favorite site, wikipedia, has a really good article about googlebombing, included in the article is a link to the article on Google’s pagerank algorithm.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Google My Way

Whoo hoo hoo , how wonderful I made my own Google. It is really interesting how you do it. Again simplicity in their WebPages is one of the key successes for Google Company. I made my own Google and I linked all the interesting links that I thought are important in a very simple way; I also made it the way I want it “Google My Way”.: )
So far, I have learned a lot of stuff in this class. It is interesting how you can create your own Google page from scratch, which I never thought I can do. Being responsible for creating your own page had made me and the rest of the class think about some additional resources to add that might help Google to get more traffic. Implementing some features such as sport, weather, travels and housing will definitely lead to more traffic.

It is wonderful that we are coming up with some ideas for Google and we believe that it will benefit the company to get more traffic.


Google Checkout

Google's Paypal-like service is here-