Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My blog is back on google!

That pizza was the bomb, thanks Professor Krishnamurthy. I'm happy to say my blog is back on google again. Type in UW bothell blog, and you'll see it there...#1 baby! If anyone else wants to join please let me know; here is a funny excerpt.

My post:
Some interesting statistics on UW Bothell vs UW Washington, courtesy of http://www.infoplease.com
With 55% women, UW Bothell is clearly the winner!
UW Bothell vs (UW Seattle)
Total Students Full-Time: 1,620 (39,246)
Undergrads: 833 (23,552)Percent Accepted: 69% (68%)
Percent Women: 55% (51%)
Resident Tuition Fees: $5,157 ($5,286)
Non-Res. Tuition & Fees: $17,787 ($17,916)

To which my girlfriend commented, "what is the advantage of having more women than men?"

But have no fear, I wasn't busted yet. I replied, "This is very important because according to worldwatch.org, "Study after study shows that girls with more education not only have fewer and healthier babies, but enjoy better health themselves." Therefore, by having a higher proportion of women to men than the Seattle campus, UW Bothell is clearly doing more to combat serious problems, such as childhood obesity and overpopulation. "

So money!

Yeah, so I was a little confused after my presentation today and now I know why! I realized on the way home I was missing two of my slides. I had already uploaded the file to my website and ended up adding two more pages, but I forgot to delete the file and upload it again. *smack*

Ironically, after class today I was online and one of my friends IM'd me and asked me if I knew what furl was, needless to say I did! I hope people keep blogging on this site. I've learned about a lot of valuable resources on the internet and it would be wonderful if people still wrote on here about any great sites or services that they come across. I'll get the ball rolling...healthfinder.com, imdb.com, moviemistakes.com One is educational and the other two are fun ways to spend countless hours online! Well I need to get going, study time. Talk to you all soon. Invite me to your blog if you're gonna stay active on it: mkahn81 at gmail dot com.

It was so fun having class with you all! Enjoy the rest of your Summer!



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