Mr. Blogmaverick seems like a really boring human being. Its as if he has nothing else to do except whine about the only subject he knows anything about - computers and related ideas. Its fantastic how someone with a minimal amount of logic can rant and rave himself into stardom. Why do people care what he says? Blogging is a way of making ridiculous claims without backing them up. Did he site anything? No that would have actually taking some work to make his arguement legitimate. Instead he whines online, people believe it because he uses numbers, and BAM, hes a celebrity. Get rid of these lazy computer nerds or business owners that take hearsay and turn it into fact. Get rid of these people that cannot do an ounce of real research on their own and articulate an intelligent idea. This guy got lucky, made some money, and somehow thinks that makes him matter. Learn to research and prove a point instead of taking the easy way out by complaining about everything.
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