Tuesday, July 11, 2006

iTunes vs. Limewire

That was the title of my final choice for todays class. After much persecution and prejudice I was finally allowed this as a topic.

My first choices were myspace (was ignored) -> Donald Trump (Not allowed) -> Britney Spears (right after someone took martha stewart, still wasnt allowed) -> iTunes.

Then 90% into my iTunes powerpoint I was verbally assaulted that Limewire wasn't even a competitor of iTunes.

After surpassing all of these barriers in my way to success I achieved my goal and factually reported on the status of iTunes and Limewire as competitors.

I would thank to de-thank Dennis and Professor K. for trying to crush my hopes and dreams!

I love bloggin,

Nate MacDonald

*EDIT* *UPDATE* I was just accused of not doing any actual research and relying on other peoples information. Isn't that was research is? Compiling experts first hand information into a cohesive arguement. It definately is at the BA level thats for sure.


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